Well, here we go again! I decided to reboot this blog after a long time! To be honest I had forgot that I had a blog! However, its nice to have and it will give me a place to express myself, share some experiences and memories, be a platform for my future goals and I am sure a place to vent at times as well! LOL I had some with this when I did this the first time however, I did have some bad things as well...so let me get this out of the way by saying that this is a place for me to express MY thoughts and feelings. If you do not agree with me then I understand but don't try to start stuff with me on here.
Let me explain! On my facebook and other social media sites that I have I may write something that my friends and family may not like or appreciate...for whatever reason. I feel like have to walk on eggshells at times. It's not fun! I am not saying that I am not open to opposing views...I like a good discussion. However, I don't like comments that basically call me an idiot or make me feel that way. I will keep an open mind about a debate; however, I expect the same to be true on the other side as well. Basically, if you want to be a follower on my blog then that's cool! If you bash me or any of my other followers I WILL block you from this blog! There are no need for trolls here...it doesn't matter who you are!
With that said, I am really looking forward to this! I am going to be sharing my weight loss journey here and aspects of my personal life! I thought it might be fun to share some recipes and do some cooking demos when I figure that out! Also, I might even do some restaurant reviews! Also when I travel I will share my experiences and photos as well! It should be a lot of fun! Can't wait to get started!
P.S.-If someone can think of a cool name for my blog let me know! LOL
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